This class represents geotrellis raster data objects in R. Note that only expert users should attempt to manipulate data using these methods directly. Instead, most users should use the methods provided in the package.
name of object in Scala interpreter.
coordinate reference system.
extent of spatial data.
cell resolution (width and height).
number of rows.
number of rows.
number of cells.
value used to represent missing data.
description of data type.
r <- gt_RasterLayer$new()
r$read_data(path) r$read_metadata() r$write_data(path) r$delete_data() r$values() r$compare(y)
r$, res, method) r$, method) r$resample(y, method) r$mask(y, maskvalue) r$crop(extent) r$cellStats(stat) r$zonal(y, stat)
coordinate reference system object.numeric
value in y
to mask out values.character
name of method to use for resampling/reprojection.character
file path for GeoTIFF raster.character
name of statistic to calculate.numeric
resolution for new data.gt_RasterLayer
create a new raster layer object.
destroy the object.
print the object.
read spatial data to asosciate with the object.
load spatial metadata.
write data to asosciate with the object.
delete the data associated with the object.
values in data associated with the object.
compare the spatial properties of the object with another object.
$project_to_crs(crs, res, method)
project data to new coordinate system.
$project_to_raster(y, method)
project data to new coordinate system using
another object as a template.
$resample(y, method)
resample a data to match the spatial properties of another object.
$mask(y, maskvalue)
mask data by another object.
crop data to a specified extent.
calculate a statistic based on the data.
$zonal(y, stat)
calculate summary statistics for each zone.